The coverage of war zone remains a dangerous job for press

This is more then three decades since Afghanistan turned important and key for press coverage but the country has remained a very dangerous place on earth for the journalists.

Many elements are involve threatening journalists life in the ground of news coverage, or investigative work.

Powerful people hate those who unveil their work and clothed activities.

We have several examples in Afghanistan which tell the sadness stories of journalists who lost their sweetness life during the search of a truth.

We can not forget BBC's Abdul Samad Rohani killed in southern province of Helmand province in June 2008.

Local investigation suggest that Helmand police are directly involved in his murder. He has been killed by local police because he discovered a secret jail running by security officers in Nawa destruct of Helmand province.

His killers are still enjoying the power but Rohani's kids never seen their father again. His sine was research of truths and the local official corruption. That's why he has experienced hatred of the powerful people.

A press freedom violation can be an assassin's bullet, aimed to kill an investigative journalist, and to intimidate and silence his colleagues.

It can be the knock on the door from the police, bringing in a reporter to question her on her sources, or put her in jail with or without a proper trail.

It can be a restrictive media law, which puts the power over editorial content into the hands of censors and press courts.

Over the past 12 years more than 1.100 journalists and media staff have been killed in the line of duty.

They died because someone did not like what they wrote or said, or because they were in the wrong place in the wrong time.

The International Federation of Journalists monitors press freedom violations and campaigns for greater safety and for a focus on the in-country journalists and freelances who are at greatest risk and who have the least protection.

This is done in cooperation with the member unions around the world, and with other organizations through IFEX, the International Freedom of Expression Exchange.

The IFJ works for press freedom by trade union development, working for journalists’ rights and social conditions, as there can be no press freedom where journalists exist in conditions of corruption, poverty or fear.

The IFJ is also a founder of the International News Safety Institute, founded in 2003, which promotes practical action world-wide to increase the safety and protection of journalists and media staff.


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